DJ - Radio

Radioshow @ Fnoob - Techno Radio
We are on air since beginning of 1998.....continously every week, with an 2 hours - show (DJ- Radio).
We've started on friday nights, broadcasting from "OK - Bremen" (UKW 92,5), with the show "Kanal Fatal", with moderator and DJ Axel Lüers aka Voodoopriester.
After a while, we changed to sunday afternoon.
'Cause of technical problems, we decided to quit the show on "OK - Bremen", and went to "Fnoob - Techno Radio", where the show is still running, every 2 weeks on sunday afternoon, for 2 hours.
Of this, we changed the name of the show to "Voodoo - Ritual".
Next show, you'll find here: NEWS
Voodoo - Ritual Shows on Soundcloud
Here you can find all passed shows. All files are mastered and free for download!
Enter "Fnoob - Techno Radio", to listen to pure underground - techno; 24 hours / 365 days -- non stop -- !!!